Derco Signs F-16 Repair Deal for Aerostar in Romania

Derco Signs F-16 Repair Deal for Aerostar in Romania

US-based Lockheed subsidiary Derco recently signed an agreement with Romanian firm Aerostar SA to establish F-16 component maintenance and repair capabilities in support of the Romanian Air Force. The deal highlights deepening defense industry ties between Romania and Lockheed Martin.

Enhancing F-16 Readiness

The agreement aims to improve the readiness and sustainability of Romania’s F-16 fleet by enabling local repair of key parts like landing gear and wheels.

Derco will provide Aerostar with specialized technical documentation, training, tooling, and equipment to perform expert-level servicing of F-16 components.

Boosting Local Sustainment

By transferring niche F-16 repair knowledge to Aerostar, response times for re-supply and maintenance will be reduced compared to outsourcing the work.

Local sustainment enhances Romania’s autonomy in keeping its F-16s mission capable as it looks to modernize its air force.

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Derco’s Global Support Network

As a Lockheed subsidiary, Derco leverages significant resources and OEM partnerships to provide integrated logistics solutions worldwide.

Its component repair capabilities and technical knowledge position it well to facilitate Aerostar’s maturation into an F-16 maintenance hub.

Aerostar’s Enhanced Role

Aerostar President Grigore Filip noted the agreement will enable the firm to provide maintenance activities for new aircraft types operated in Romania and the wider region.

The deal recognizes Aerostar’s existing technical skills while helping unlock its full potential as a regional MRO provider.

Ongoing Lockheed-Romania Collaboration

According to Lockheed Martin’s Todd Morar, the agreement represents the latest example of industry partnership between Lockheed and Romania.

Lockheed has cooperated on Romanian defense programs for over 25 years, reflecting its commitment to the country.

Developing Local Skills

A key component of the initiative is establishing a skilled Romanian workforce able to support the F-16 into the future.

The knowledge transfer and training from Derco to Aerostar will drive local job creation in the technical aviation sector.

By choosing cooperation over offshoring, Romania is demonstrating its dedication to cultivating domestic defense expertise through smart partnerships. Both Lockheed Martin and Romania will benefit from the arrangement for years to come.

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