GIDS Unveils Powerful Shahpar III Group 4+ MALE UCAV

GIDS Unveils Powerful Shahpar III Group 4+ MALE UCAV

Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS) has announced its latest unmanned combat aerial vehicle, the formidable Shahpar III. GIDS Unveils Powerful Shahpar III Group 4+ MALE UCAV and this Group 4+ Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UCAV represents a significant leap forward in Pakistan’s indigenous drone capabilities and is set to be unveiled at the upcoming IDEAS 2024 defense exhibition in November.

Enhanced Endurance and Payload

The Shahpar III boasts greatly enhanced endurance, operational ceiling, and weapons carriage capacity compared to previous GIDS models. With a maximum takeoff weight of 1,650 kg and 6 wing hard points, it can be armed with up to 400-530 kg of munitions.

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Flexible Engine Configurations

Two engine configurations are available for the Shahpar III, offering flexibility for different mission requirements:

140 HP Engine

  • Max Ceiling: 28,000 ft armed / 30,000 ft ISR
  • Endurance: 17 hours armed / 24 hours ISR
  • Range: 300 km LOS / 3,000 km BLOS

170 HP Engine

  • Max Ceiling: 35,000 ft armed / 41,000 ft ISR
  • Endurance: 20 hours armed / 40 hours ISR
  • Range: 300 km LOS / 3,000 km BLOS

Cutting-Edge Systems

The Shahpar III integrates indigenously developed avionics systems, an anti-icing/de-icing system, and a dual-redundant flight control computer architecture. It has the provision for an internal pilot option as well.

In addition to its potent armed capability, the UCAV can be equipped with multiple payloads including EO/IR, SAR, COMINT, and ELINT sensors for enhanced intelligence gathering.

Expanding MALE Capabilities

With its outstanding range, endurance, weapons capacity, and sensor suite, the Shahpar III significantly bolsters Pakistan’s MALE UCAV forces. Its line-of-sight range is 300 km, extendable to 3,000 km via SATCOM datalink.

The 64-foot wingspan Shahpar III represents a major force multiplier for Pakistani defense. GIDS has positioned this indigenous Group 4+ platform as a powerful and cost-effective solution compared to foreign MALE UCAVs.

Pakistan continues pressing forward with its goal of achieving self-sufficiency in unmanned aerial technologies vital to modern security operations. The Shahpar III is set to make its debut at the upcoming IDEAS 2024 defense exhibition in November.

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